Fiber Optic Vacuum Feedthroughs

Fiber Optic Vacuum Feedthroughs



Click for PDF VIS NIR Fiber Optic Vacuum Feedthroughs

Fiber Optic Vacuum Feedthroughs for use in the VIS NIR wavelength range. These feedthroughs have no epoxy and come in many flanges, connectors, and fiber options. Also included are vacuum compatable patch cables.


Click for PDF UV VIS Fiber optic Vacuum Feedthroughs

Fiber Optic Vacuum Feedthroughs for use in the UV VIS wavelength range. These feedthroughs have no epoxy and come in many flanges, connectors, and fiber options. Also included are vacuum compatable patch cables.


UV, Visable, Near IR, MID IR, Fiber Optics, Spectrometers, Probes